I spent almost 4 days in lombok with my boyfriend and my besties. It was such a wonderful experience. We really had a good vacation, moving to another beaches, snorkling, riding a bike around the island, sunbathing (did i?) and hell yeah, i didnt take a lot of pictures, but my friend did.The most interesting thing about this holiday was, we went as a backpacker. For no spesific reason, i love how i took off my heels and changed with a flip-flop. I really loved doing this. I brought just a couple of t-shirt and simple dress (forget about shirt, nice dress, and bla..bla..bla), underwear (of course), sunblock (please, dont bring your make-up's bag *LOL*).
I bet most of us had prepared about our/your holiday (where we're going to stay, what we're going to eat, what we will buy) but as a backpacker, we follow where the wind goes. I exagaratted a bit, but yeah, we never planned anything about this holiday. My friend, john, offered me a ticket to lombok, and i thought that i dont wanna wait for another chance to make this thing happen.This is my chance and it's gonna be a great experience (it really was).
here's the picture i've taken there..
and here's the pictures which has taken by john...

could you see the different? see, without any editing, my pictures are still good, arent it? hehehehe...but john's so talented photographer.visit john's facebook : here
Fransiska for Bohe et Borju