Floral Dress : Cotton On; Jacket : Online Shop; Oxford : MNG; Quirky Glasses : Forever 21; Black Vintage Bag : unbranded; Bracelet : Rubi
Mini Floral Dress + Jacket +Oxford = Fashion Stylist
Floral dress dengan jacket merupakan perpaduan sempurna untuk wanita yang sedikit tomboy tapi juga suka dengan hal yang lebih girly. Penggunaan vintage bag dapat menyempurnakan penampilan kamu. Jika kamu gak punya vintage bag, pemakaian tas yang lain sah-sah aja kok, tetapi bohe et borju lebih menyarankan untuk tidak memakai slingbag jika memakai jaket karena akan merusak penampilan keseluruhan khususnya di bagian jaket kamu.
Bohe et Borju
heyyy there...walking back after saw ur greetings in my blog..
so there's two of you, who work this blog together??
really it's a great blog.. i'll link you... i hope we can be friends..
so i want to know abt you more..i love your style, specially the Woman's style...^^
hey thanks a lot that you want to visit our blog..
yeah, we created this blog and worked as a team.we have passion about fashion and this is what we want to do. make a fashion blog.
we love your blog too.we really like your style, simpel but really nice.
we'll link your blog too as our friends..
we hope we can be friends too..
call us if you're going to surabaya.maybe, we can meet,talk and share about fashion (hehehe)
Bohe et Borju (fransiska and enrico)
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